Monday, February 9, 2009


One of the current themes in my life is the majority of my relations do not recognize me for worth or value. Often the words communicated are miscommunicated. Perhaps I am at fault to a degree. Other times, I feel as though I do not achieve the respect by my comrades that I deserve. I think there is some sort of lesson I missed while I was growing up. Some key value I did not install in my brain. At times, I feel as though I am talked down to, rather than talked to.

The situation is complex, and it can not be blamed on one thing. Previously I said I am confident that I have a hand in this, and I get the feeling it is how my vocabulary or syntax is structured. I do believe my body language and communication is structured behind an ideal that is miscommunicated between the relations. Basically, I am setting up for this. I'm not too sure how to change this, or where I started.

All I know is that I am getting agitated by it. I feel as though as friendships are getting exhausted because of this situation. I feel as though I have grown out of the relations, and thus should grow out of the friendship. I do not see it changing, because of the parties involved.

Which leads to some sort of sadness. How does one say goodbye to such friendship? Nothing said, but just actually leaving? Do I burn bridges? I'm not too sure, and I don't think I will particularly know until later in my life.

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