Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Noble Modernity

Some say that the noble man has died. I do not mean the upper-class kind of nobility, but rather the one of charity and kindness. Nobility in the since of leadership. A person who has integrity. A person that is awe-inspiring. A beacon of virtue. Some say that such a man does not exist in our times.

It is easier to do the wrong thing many times over. It is easy to be an asshole. It is really easy to be selfish. It is even easier to be overcome with negativity, blinding one's perspective. I try not to be a negative person, but it is just way too easy in my life to be negative. Sure I can pick apart a million things bad about something, but is it worth it? Does expressing the negativity make the entity less negative? Perhaps.

I've gotten off topic. When I am in leadership roles, I do my best to go beyond the negativity. I try to be a modern noble man. Something which is hard to do. Professors in the business world often speak of the unethical behavior, and at times saying it is acceptable to be less than noble.

This is getting a bit ranty and off topic. I'll just end it here. Because what I'm basically saying is not explicitly new knowledge. It is hard being respectful and doing the right thing - even when it spells failure for you. I seem to enjoy a good fight though, so maybe that is one of the many reasons I do enjoy trying to be a good person.

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